A girl writing something on a notebook

25-33% of children struggle with handwriting

40% of these children are boys

25% of these children are girls

My Child May Be Silently Struggling With Handwriting. What is my next step?

Call Us Today! (480) 614-1232

If you’ve noticed your child struggling with fine motor skills, or motor planning, and coordination, as we described on this page, help is close at hand.

Complete this convenient form to schedule a comprehensive evaluation for your child with Scribble 2 Script Founder, Megan Eldridge.

    We’ll contact you no later than the next business day to schedule.

    The Scribble 2 Script Mission is to assist your child in overcoming obstacles that inhibit their academic success now and their potential to live their best life, long-term. We’ll look forward to meeting you and your child.

    Handwriting Therapy for Kids

    Is messy handwriting a source of frustration for your child? Is it affecting their confidence and ability to get their thoughts down on paper?
    Does your child hold their pencil incorrectly? Or do you have a little one who doesn’t like to color or draw?

    If so, like most parents, you are at your wit’s end trying to figure out how to help them. Handwriting should evolve naturally throughout different ages and stages (some earlier than you think).  If this isn’t happening for your child, it’s time to figure out why. Getting focused help from a specialist in handwriting help for kids may be the answer you’re seeking.


    Here are some facts to help you decide



    Handwriting Requires a Complex Set of Skills

    Handwriting requires the development of a complex set of skills for the hand to write with a pencil easily.  Each of the skills described on this page contributes significantly to success with handwriting.

    Overall legibility and ease of writing, as well as the development of a correct pencil grip, are all impacted by the skills covered here. The intricacies of handwriting are often overlooked and misunderstood.  Often, parents think, “How can such a “low tech” activity like handwriting be so challenging for kids?”

    As a parent, you have extensive experience with typical developmental milestones such as sitting, crawling, walking, and saying their first word.

    However, what you may not be aware of is that there is a sequence of more refined skills that should develop between ages 1-5. If these refined skills do not develop properly, it can make things harder on your child when they start school.

    Fine Motor Skills

    There are fifteen fine motor skills, which are the building blocks that allow your child’s hand to do many things, including:

    • Performing everyday tasks (e.g., buttoning, zipping, tying shoes, using utensils for eating, turning the pages of a book)
    • Accomplishing academic skills (e.g., writing, drawing/coloring, using scissors, holding a pencil correctly, using a ruler, and even keyboarding).

    Mastering these skills requires precision and coordination of the small muscles of the fingers, hand, and wrist, which influence the efficiency, speed, and quality of the completion of tasks. If your child is not proficient with their fine motor skills, their self-esteem, independence, and academic performance will suffer. Fine motor skills directly impact your child’s ability to demonstrate what they’ve learned.  For instance, being able to write down what they know or filing in a box to answer a multiple-choice test question.

    Developing fine motor skills is a complex process that typically begins in early infancy and matures between age 5 to 6 years old; the age when most children are starting Kindergarten. Although children develop at different rates, if your child has not developed all 15 fine motors skills by this age, it could signify a delay in development that will follow them throughout their academic career and beyond.

    Call Us Today! (480) 614-1232

    Motor Planning and Coordination

    Motor planning is a skill that helps you think about, remember, and perform steps to make body movement occur. Motor planning and coordination are essential for executing movements automatically with reliability and proficiency.  It’s your brain’s way of figuring out how to do the task at hand using eye-hand coordination, internal awareness of your body, and understanding the relationship of the objects all around you.

    When your child begins to develop motor planning and coordination, tasks can be slow and inefficient. For example, when learning to write letters.

    At first, it is difficult to control the pencil within a given boundary, such as writing within the lines on paper. Letters are formed incorrectly, usually with varied sizes and are placed all over the page. With practice, feedback, and repeated adjustment, your child will eventually start to refine their motor planning and coordination so they can write letters quickly and accurately on lined paper.

    If your child has poor motor planning and coordination, they may appear clumsy and seem to take “forever” to learn basic tasks.

    Poor motor planning and coordination can affect a child’s performance in school. You will notice signs and symptoms like:

    • Taking more time than allowed to complete tasks.
    • Falling behind or having to take work home.
    • Rushing through things, such as written work, because no matter how hard your child tries to control their pencil, the result is always the same, so why put in the effort.

    Struggling with these issues leads to having to redo work over again, which leads to frustration.

    Handwriting Development

    Handwriting is one of the most complex skills a child can perform. The reason is that handwriting requires the coordination of multiple centers of the brain. Your child starts to develop this multifaceted skill around 10-15 months old with scribbling. From scribbling, your child slowly progresses to copying simple shapes such as vertical and horizontal lines.

    Then they move to more intricate shapes with curves, directional changes, and diagonal lines that cross the midline, such as when your child writes the letter X. Scientifically, handwriting has a fascinating effect on your child’s brain development, proving that it is one of the building blocks for learning.

    In a study conducted by Indiana University, researchers used high-tech MRI scans to test a child’s brain activity when participating in a variety of tasks. They found that children who practiced writing letters independently with a pencil showed higher neural activity than those who looked at letters or typed letters on a keyboard.

    At Scribble 2 Script, we believe that handwriting is not just about legibility. It is about readability combined with functionality. In other words, when using handwriting for homework, journaling, taking notes, and classroom work, handwriting needs to be quick and legible to be functional. It’s not enough to have “nice” handwriting. Our proven, multi-step process turns a child’s messy handwriting into legible writing with speed and efficiency using a variety of age-appropriate lined paper.

    Your Child May Be Silently Struggling with Frustration and Lack of Confidence

    Fine motor skills, motor planning, and coordination lay the foundation for handwriting to be easy and successful. When these skills are not fully developed, your child will experience frustration, and their confidence can take a turn for the worse. Frustration and lack of confidence can turn into unwanted “signs and symptoms,” which impacts your child’s ability to learn effectively and perform at their highest level in school.

    Now that you understand the complexities of handwriting, there is no need to continue to fight this battle on your own. It’s not a matter of “practice makes perfect” and doing worksheet after worksheet. Your child needs a dynamic approach to address handwriting legibility by focusing on the underlying challenges that are initially causing them to struggle.

    Scribble 2 Script’s team of professionals will start with a comprehensive evaluation to “peel away the “layers of the onion” and discover how well your child is developing these skills. Then, we create an individualized plan of action to resolve your child’s challenges with handwriting by comprehensively addressing their “unseen” needs. Children love Scribble 2 Script’s interactive Handwriting Therapy program.

    Your child can participate in our signature Hand Gym activities to develop fine motor skills. They will learn age-appropriate techniques to improve their handwriting.

    Your child’s motor control will be enhanced using:

    • Squiggle pens
    • Blacklight writers
    • Liquid chalk
    • And more tools they will be excited to tell you about when they get home.

    Be sure to review the results other parents and children have attained in the Scribble 2 Script handwriting program.

    “My son visited Scribble 2 Script once a week to improve his handwriting. During our time together, the Scribble 2 Script program greatly improved all aspects of his fine motor skills. His confidence soared, and he always had fun during his sessions. ”
    ~ Laura Cole

    “Before we found Scribble2Script, William’s frustration with schoolwork and school, in general, had reached an all-time high.  Nothing we tried at home helped and our family had become very discouraged – it seemed the more we practiced and tried to “fix” his handwriting, the worse things got. 

    During our Scribble 2 Script evaluation with Megan, she uncovered and explained the reasons behind his handwriting trouble, and we finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel. The Scribble 2 Script team’s demeanor with William was warm and encouraging. We watched him truly blossom during his sessions, and his confidence grew.

    Every time we left, he had a smile on his face, and he felt proud of his accomplishments of that week, and that positive attitude spilled over into home, school, and even into sports.  The difference this [the Scribble 2 Script] program has made in our lives is immeasurable.”
    ~ Sarah Kleck

    “Megan and her team of dedicated and wonderful teachers have made such a difference in my 8-year-old son’s life. He is finally proud of his writing & beams when he shows me his school work now. 

    His skills have improved so much that he clearly has confidence that he didn’t have 6 months ago. I truly believe this is going to make his academic future so much brighter.”
    ~ Alison Rose

    See more results children (and their parents) experience at Scribble 2 Script

    Contact us today!
    Is your child’s handwriting atrocious? Are they struggling to keep up in school? Do you want to give your child every opportunity to enjoy learning but you are not sure what to do?
    Poor handwriting is just the tip of the child development iceberg.
    We can help relieve your worries. Poor handwriting is one obvious symptom of significant learning developmental issues.

    Now you can discover the secrets that will help your child create a lifetime of success by addressing learning and developmental challenges today.

    • If your child gets frustrated and gives up easily
    • Lacks self-confidence
    • Or has a hard time focusing and concentrating

    Then this free book will help them.

    Now you can learn how to ensure that your child’s future is not limited due to poor academic performance because of a childhood developmental barrier.
    Scribble 2 script logo in white color

    Discover the top 7 reasons why children grapple with handwriting deficiencies.

    Get your FREE eBook written by Megan Eldrige, Founder, Occupational Therapist & handwriting specialist for over 20 years.

    Learn why they struggle in school and find out what you can do about it today, to create a lifetime of success for your child long term.