How long is a typical program?

Most children complete the Handwriting Therapy program in approximately six months. Smart Moves™ and Smart Moves+™ are highly individualized and range from 6-30 sessions.

Phase one 3-4 MONTHS

Implement age appropriate teaching methods to focus on the details of letter formation, sizing, starting point, sitting on the line and spacing. For cursive we also work on proper connections of letters. “Mastery Days” are every three to four weeks where we assess accuracy, speed of writing and kinesthetic mastery for each letter group.


Reassess all skills identified as a “need” in the initial evaluation. This is fun because there is a “before” and “after” writing sample that shows amazing results that gets posted on the Wall of Fame in the office. Many times children forget how bad their handwriting was when they first came in and they can’t believe they “used” to write like that.

Phase two 2-3 MONTHS

Focus is on speed WITH accuracy, proper spacing, endurance of writing, phasing out the three lined paper so they can write on any given paper with accurate sizing. Specific grade appropriate writing activities help focus on getting your thoughts down on paper fluently. During this phase we are also assisting your child in successfully transitioning their new skills to the classroom.


Full reevaluation of all skills showing your child’s progress. Handwriting legibility is demonstrated on a variety of lined paper as well as speed and endurance.


Graduation is a BIG celebration of all of the hard work. The children receive a medal, certificate and picture on the S2S Superstars wall.

Request an assessment today.


Contact us today!
Is your child’s handwriting atrocious? Are they struggling to keep up in school? Do you want to give your child every opportunity to enjoy learning but you are not sure what to do?
Poor handwriting is just the tip of the child development iceberg.
We can help relieve your worries. Poor handwriting is one obvious symptom of significant learning developmental issues.

Now you can discover the secrets that will help your child create a lifetime of success by addressing learning and developmental challenges today.

  • If your child gets frustrated and gives up easily
  • Lacks self-confidence
  • Or has a hard time focusing and concentrating

Then this free book will help them.

Now you can learn how to ensure that your child’s future is not limited due to poor academic performance because of a childhood developmental barrier.
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Discover the top 7 reasons why children grapple with handwriting deficiencies.

Get your FREE eBook written by Megan Eldrige, Founder, Occupational Therapist & handwriting specialist for over 20 years.

Learn why they struggle in school and find out what you can do about it today, to create a lifetime of success for your child long term.