Does your child have messy handwriting?

We help children ages 4 and up sharpen their handwriting legibility through fine and visual motor skill development along with our signature multi-sensory teaching strategy.



How many of the following apply to your child?

Difficulty with letter formation
Doesn’t like to color or draw
Struggles with scissor skills
Mixes upper and lowercase letters
Has not established a clear left or right hand dominance
Weak fine motor skills
Has difficulty drawing diagonal lines
Writes with wrist bent or off the table
Not independent with zipping
Did not crawl or crawled for a short time

If you checked 2+ on the list, your child could benefit from a formal evaluation.


How many of the following apply to your child?

Messy handwriting
Struggles with proper letter formation, size and/or spacing
Doesn’t like to write
Puts short answers down when you know they have more to say
Rushes to get done with work
Doesn’t take time to erase mistakes
Mixes upper and lowercase letters
Frequent letter and/or number reversals
Holds pencil incorrectly
Complains of hand being tired or hurting when writing
Has to redo written work often
Difficulty using utensils properly
Poor eye-hand coordination
Unable to tie shoes independently
Difficulty copying off of board or book

If you checked 3+ on the list, your child could benefit from a formal evaluation.

What is involved in the evaluation?

The purpose of the initial evaluation is to identify underlying challenges that could be creating roadblocks to handwriting success using a combination of both functional and standardized testing.

Welcoming and getting to know your child. We want them to feel relaxed and excited to earn their points for candy and prizes at the end!

Your child will participate in a variety of tests to help identify the underlying challenges that are causing roadblocks to their success. Parents are highly encouraged to be present during the evaluation as each skill and it’s effect on handwriting will be reviewed throughout the evaluation.

Results of the testing are reviewed with the parent and questions are answered. Recommendations and timeframe for therapy (if needed) are given based upon the results of testing. Report given.


Contact us today!
Is your child’s handwriting atrocious? Are they struggling to keep up in school? Do you want to give your child every opportunity to enjoy learning but you are not sure what to do?
Poor handwriting is just the tip of the child development iceberg.
We can help relieve your worries. Poor handwriting is one obvious symptom of significant learning developmental issues.

Now you can discover the secrets that will help your child create a lifetime of success by addressing learning and developmental challenges today.

  • If your child gets frustrated and gives up easily
  • Lacks self-confidence
  • Or has a hard time focusing and concentrating

Then this free book will help them.

Now you can learn how to ensure that your child’s future is not limited due to poor academic performance because of a childhood developmental barrier.
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Discover the top 7 reasons why children grapple with handwriting deficiencies.

Get your FREE eBook written by Megan Eldrige, Founder, Occupational Therapist & handwriting specialist for over 20 years.

Learn why they struggle in school and find out what you can do about it today, to create a lifetime of success for your child long term.